Join us in our search for what makes a great communicator? How do leaders use their communication skills to inspire, create trust, and influence? It’s not easy. What did they do to get better? Listen bi-monthly to how you can improve your communication skills and take the steps to be a great leader in business. Tune in to hear each guest’s “failure ta-da” and see how they learned from a failure. Plus, check out the Three Stars, in which Joel distills what we learned into actionable points you can apply in business and in everyday life. Do you have a question or comment for The Great Canadian Leadership Podcast? Send us an email at: podcast@greatcanadiantraining.ca And don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss an upcoming episode.

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Everyone Has A Story
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Everyone Has a Story
Episode #2 is INSPIRING. What holds you back from writing, from communicating your ideas? Is it fear of judgment? For most of us, that’s a definite yes!
In this episode, our guest Hannah Tough guides us on how to communicate more effectively (hint: drop your ego) and how to listen to the stories that want to be heard.
Hannah Tough is the Internal Marketing and Communication Lead at Havas Canada, a contributor to the online publication Thrive Global, and founded the non-profit organization Activate T.O. Hannah has always been a passionate writer. She knew she wanted to work with words ever since she was able to read Robert Munsch's books. For more on Hannah, visit www.hannahtough.com.
This is an insightful episode on our vulnerabilities, human connection, and the importance of curiosity.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Robots and AI in the workplace- How will we be interacting with them?
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
“The robots are coming... No wait, the robots are here!”
Episode #1 is FASCINATING- Robots and AI in the workplace and how we interact with them.
We discuss the different communication styles, and if the robots are being programmed to bring out the best of our humanity? Then as leaders and for all of us we need to re-program our communication and collaboration abilities.
Dr. Robin Yap brings his studies, energy, insights, and some of his robot friends to the podcast. Dr. Yap has deep expertise in performance and talent management, social data analytics, AI robot ethics, and the convergences of technology like AI-enabled robots
For more on Dr. Yap www.robinyap.ca
The future is now, an absorbing episode on our behaviours, human connection, and the novelty effect.

Monday Mar 22, 2021
Welcome to The Great Canadian Leadership Podcast
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Welcome to the Great Canadian Leadership Podcast Trailer. Join us in our search for: What makes A Great Communicator! I'm your host Joel Silverstone and in my 20 + years of working with organisations around the world, I have seen great leaders struggle with their ability to communicate and others who just made it look so easy! Bi-monthly we discuss with leaders and experts from Canada and Globally their successes, failures and... What did they do to get better? How did they adapt? Listen here to improve your communication skills and take the steps to be a great leader in business. This show is proudly brought to you brought to by the Great Canadian Training & Consulting Company. For more on communication skills and free resources, come see us at www.greatcanadiantraining.ca We look forward to having you join us.